Az there were ower 100 archive reports on that site, it will take quite some time to de it!
It's a 'bit of a palaver' az I have to save the old stuff to 'draft' and then to a 'text document' and then to a 'word document' before puttin' it online.
Pictures need to be transfored individually az well --so pleeeze be patient and aall the 'old stuff' will be put on 'pages' az opposed to 'posts' and these can be foond in the right hand column.
(Recent match reports will be on 'posts')
The latest one a'v transfored to 'pages' iz from 'Ground number 001, St James Park in 2014, when we played Liverpool
It's a classic!---click onto 001 st james park (revisited--liverpool 2014)
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